Learning Management System

Learning Management System

The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay. (Zig Ziglar)

What’s A Learning Management System (LMS)?

A Learning Management System or LMS for short is a platform that hosts your elearning courses and delivers your training programmes.

In a nutshell the LMS enables you to move from classroom based instructor led training to a virtual training centre. Here you can create, track, manage and distribute learning content of any kind, anywhere and on any device.

Think of the LMS as your secure virtual classroom where you –

  • Create & Host Courses
  • Distribute & Manage Learning on Demand
  • Track Learners Progress
  • Facilitates Continuous Learning
  • Generate Learner Reports

How Does The Learning Management System Work (LMS)?

The LMS is like your website and can be hosted on the company server or on a cloud-based platform that is hosted by the LMS provider. There are two interfaces; the admin and the user interfaces.

This is the back office of where the learning & development manager administers and organises the company’s learning programmes. Here they –

  • Create Courses
  • Define and Enrol Users
  • Tracks Learner Progress
  • Analyse Reports

  • Provide Learner Feedback
  • Automate tasks and notifications
  • Build custom certification
  • Course Management

Ease of use is the key criteria here. It’s all about placing the learner at the centre of the design process. Key elements for consideration in the user interface include –

  • Know Your Users
  • Make It Intuitive
  • Easy Registration/Return Login
  • Clear Navigation & Layout
  • Content Categorization, Title & Labels

  • White Space & Minimal Clutter
  • Accessible To All Learners
  • Readability, Usability
  • Consist Design
  • Responsive For Tablet & Mobile Devices

Who Uses A Learning Management System?

  • null

    Current LMS Users

    are estimated at 73.8 million and rising

A Learning Management System is designed to manage an organisation or businesses entire learning process. With the advent of Covid and subsequent move to remote working the switch from the traditional to online learning has accelerated.

Workplace training and continuing professional development are two of the most common users of Learning Management Systems.

However there are many other applications and here are some of the more common examples –

  • Training Customers
  • Remote Workplace Training
  • Training Partners & Channel Resellers
  • Professions with CPD Requirements
  • Membership Associations

  • Compliance Training
  • Franchise/Dealer Training
  • Sales Team Training
  • Independent Instructors & Coaches
  • Onboarding New Employees